Hey there, Breaker! B-boy Cyrax here, hope this text finds you well. I'm going to tell you a bit about the motivations and the story behind the creation of the Breakin' Hub app.

Well, I had a strong desire to somehow organize my sessions, movements, and ideas in my Breaking training. Whenever I managed to focus and maintain discipline in something, everything flowed better. That's how I learned the flare and windmill, two moves that I struggled to master.

I even used notebooks for notation, but I always ended up losing them or they became too messy over time. My friend and training partner, B-boy Leco, also used notebooks to jot down movements and ideas, so I began to notice that others did the same. During practices and battles, some people tracked the movements and sessions they had already used or practiced through these notes.

At that time (2021), I already had a lot of experience with technology and mobile app development, and I told Leco that I was going to build a Breaking app to store my movements, and he encouraged me. That's when I started the MVP of the project, which at the time was called "BBOY HUB," I know, not a very inclusive name.

I asked a designer friend from the agency where I worked to create the first version of the logo.

What began with a simple organizational idea was already giving me several hints that it could become something bigger. In the end, that's it, you start with a small idea and you enhance it, seeing possibilities along the way. The name change came from discomfort regarding the exclusion of B-Girls in the app's name. In a conversation with Amora, my fiancee and part of the Breakin' Hub team, we decided on the change, establishing inclusion for all breakers, starting with our name.

Today, Breakin’ Hub is an app that, apart from organization, aims to bring everything related to Breaking: events, music, information about the Olympics, education with the Anti-Harassment Guide, and now our Knowledge Hub. Anything produced by the scene that deserves to be shared with the community, we try to highlight here. The word "Hub" in the app's name is precisely to convey the sense of a central point where all information from our community flows.

In my hometown, Cataguases-MG in Brazil, Breaking information has always been scarce. We researched a lot to learn the basics; we didn't know the correct terminologies to search for references at that time, and with limited internet access back then, it was even more challenging. I am very grateful for the LAN HOUSES where I spent hours watching BOTY videos.

There wasn't a preceding generation for my crew and me to resort to. With the little money we had, we traveled to neighboring cities where there were Breakers and exchanged information, and, as a bonus, got some Breaking DVDs.

Hence, part of my desire to create something to share information and provide support to Breaking also stems from there. Today, we no longer face the same accessibility problems I encountered back then; social media offers all sorts of content very easily. Even so, we don't have a dedicated digital space for Breaking and all its intellectual/cultural production, free from noise.

We're an independent project, without any financial support, and the project's resources today come directly from my formal work and the support of friends from the Breaking scene.

It has been a rich journey of learning and connections, building something directly for a community. All the support we've received has helped us stay focused and excited to build something excellent for Breaking. You are invited to be a part of this, bringing suggestions, inviting us to your event, sharing with your friends. If Breakin' Hub can become something incredible for the community, it depends on everyone's help. We're always attentive to what you need to build things in the best possible way.

I count on you to help us build this tool and space for Breaking!
That's it, let's break some bones together.

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