Feeling, Flava, and Flow: the 3 Fs of a Breaker's Essence

Divide and conquer

Have you ever stopped to think that Breaking is something quite complex? Difficult moves, various styles of footwork, physical and mental preparation, lots of studying, and experience. Well, every complex problem or challenge can be broken down into smaller fractions so that you understand and solve it more clearly. Improving oneself in Breaking isn't any different; understanding your weak and strong points, and precisely what to enhance, makes progression and evolution inevitable.

In general, us B-Boys and B-Girls can use this strategy to improve three elements of our essence: Feeling, Flava, and Flow. 


Feeling is your connection to the music. Breaking is a dance, therefore governed by beats, vibrations, or chords

This element of your essence describes your ability to connect, interpret, and feel the music. How many times have you danced without even knowing the music and nailed turns, vocals, or parts of the music, driving everyone crazy?
It's not always about knowing but about feeling.

How to improve your feeling? Easy. Music, music, and more music.

The idea is for you to listen to a bit of everything, from different musical genres to rhythmic variations and styles. Delve into understanding the music that plays during battles, cyphers, or even during individual training sessions. Try dancing to songs with diverse rhythms and attempt to connect with each of them uniquely. Understanding music isn't just about recognizing beats or notes, but also about feeling the nuances, the moments of pause, the contrasts, and the energy it conveys.


Flava is your personal style. It's what makes you stand out, your signature on the dance floor. It's how you embody the movements, gestures, attitude, and personality in the dance. It's the expression of who you are through Breaking movements.

Developing your Flava involves self-awareness and accepting your individuality. It's about discovering what sets you apart from other dancers and how you can emphasize that in your dance. It's not about copying, but about being inspired and transforming those influences into something unique.

Your Flava develops over time as you explore different movements, styles, and become more comfortable in your own skin. Try mixing elements from other dance styles or everyday movements into your Breaking practice. Allow yourself to be authentic and don't be afraid to be who you are.


The Flow is the fluidity and continuity of your movements. It's the smooth transition between different steps and motions, creating a harmonious and cohesive sequence. A good Flow is essential for creating a captivating and engaging performance.

To enhance your Flow, it's necessary to practice not only the individual movements but also the transitions between them. Work on the connection between steps, on varying speed, and on controlling your body. Fluidity comes with constant practice and striving for smoothness and naturalness in movements.

Moreover, observing other talented dancers and analyzing how they connect their movements can provide valuable insights to improve your own Flow. Try incorporating these observations into your practice and experiment with different combinations of movements to find your own rhythm and fluidity in Breaking.

In summary, Breaking can be complex, but by breaking it down and focusing on essential elements like Feeling, Flava, and Flow, you can enhance your dance in a clearer and more consistent manner. By working on these aspects, you not only improve your technique but also develop your identity as a Breaker.

This was the inaugural article from the Knowledge Hub of Breakin’ Hub; I hope you enjoyed it!

We'll soon bring more content about Breaking and Hip-Hop for you.


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